Educational Resources
Perhaps no other natural resource in Texas has been more coveted, more haggled-over, more central to who we are and who we'll be, than water.
Please consider using these resources in community meetings, classrooms and discussions among family and friends. Little will have more impact on the future of our natural resources than your knowledge and wise decision-making about Texas' water resources. Thank you for helping educate others about these vital issues.
Recap of the basics, facts about Texas Water, facts about Texas water supply, threats to water quantity and quality
Regional descriptions, issues and topics of concern. Regional resource packet for educators
Discussion topics, interactive games, ready-to-use presentations on water issues for use in community presentations; may be adapted. Also, suggested Project WILD Aquatic activity descriptions, links to TPWD resources, rare species activity packets, printable fact sheets, image library, maps, and posters
Publications to print, posters, reference materials, related web links
Audio podcasts, video transcripts
Conservation tips, resources for taking action, service-learning, creating a school habitat