Texas The State Of Water

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Our State's Water Issues

From water quality to water quantity, a rising population to water rights that vary across the state, water is on our minds and in our hearts as the most critical element to the future of habitat and conservation in Texas.

What's the Problem?

Our demand for water has grown steadily throughout our history. People need water to drink, for agriculture and industry. Our household use, watering lawns and leaky municipal water pipes all add to that demand. [more...]

Texas Water Needs

Will we have enough water in the future? Experts believe we’ll have enough water for people to drink, but not to water our lawns or to allow sufficient water flowing in our streams to support fish and wildlife at current levels. Our primary uses for water are for irrigation, municipalities and industry. [more...]

Water for Wildlife

Texas is growing - and so are our demands for more water. But where does that leave wildlife? Wildlife need water every day, just like us. Unfortunately, they can't ask for more water; and they can't cut back their need for water to survive. [more...]

Conservation Threats

Texas has nearly 200,000 miles of streams and rivers and approximately 1.7 million acres of reservoirs and public water impoundments. These waters provide habitat for the state’s diverse fish and wildlife species. Scientists recognize 258 fish species that inhabit fresh water for at least a part of their lives. TPWD estimates that 25 percent of native freshwater fish species are of conservation concern or already extirpated. [more...]

Facts About Texas Water

Facts About Your Water Supply

TPW magazine cover

TPW Magazine feature articles

Texas Treasures: Wetlands

