Place an X next to your
water conservation habits.
__ I check my toilet for leaks.
__ I do not use my toilet as an ashtray or wastebasket.
__ I have low flow (1.6 gal) toilet(s) or use tank dam(s).
__ I take short showers (5 min).
__ I have low flow shower heads.
__ I turn off the water when brushing my teeth.
__ The men in my household do not run the faucet while shaving, instead they partially fill the sink to rinse the razor or they use electric razors.
__ I only run full loads in the dishwasher.
__ If or when I wash dishes by hand, I do not leave the water running for rinsing.
__ I do not let the faucet run when I am cleaning vegetables.
__ I keep a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator.
__ I only run full loads in the laundry washing machine.
__ I plant drought-resistant trees and plants in my yard.
__ I mulch my gardens, shrubs and trees.
Count 1 point for every X.
19 - 21: Congratulations! You’re doing an excellent job!
12 - 18: Your'e doing a good job, but there's room for improvement.
Less than 12: It's time to change your water conservation habits!